Articles in Journals

Bardia Kamrad, Keith Ord And Glen M. Schmidt. "“Maximizing The Probability Of Realizing Profit Targets Versus Maximizing Expected Profits: A Reconciliation To Resolve An Agency Problem”." International Journal Of Production Economics, 238 (August 1, 2021): 108154. DOI:

Ran Ji And Bardia Kamrad. "Newsvendor Model As An Exchange Option On Demand And Supply Uncertainty." Production And Operations Management, 28, 10 (October 1, 2019): 2456-2470. DOI:

Bardia Kamrad, Glen Schmidt And Sezer Ülkü. "In Pursuit Of Product Modularity: Impediments And Stimulants." California Management Review, 59, 4 (August 1, 2017): 97-113. DOI:

Bardia Kamrad, Ran Ji And Glen M. Schmidt. "Managing Supply Risk In Fixed Price Contracts: A Contingent Claims Perspective." Foundations And Trends® In Technology, Information And Operations Management, 11, 1-2 (2017): 65-88. DOI:

Bardia Kamrad, Akhtar Siddique and Sandeep Dahiya. "Operations Outsourcing and Firm Performance." IJOQM, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 21, 3 (2015): 175 - 200.

B. Kamrad, G. M. Schmidt And Sezer Ulku. "Analyzing Product Architecture Under Technological Change: Modular Upgradeability Tradeoffs." Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management, 60, 2 (May 1, 2013): 289-300. DOI:

Bardia Kamrad, Akhtar Siddique And Ricardo Ernst. "Partial Equilibrium In Risk-based Production Decisions." Naval Research Logistics (nrl), 59, 1 (February 1, 2012): 1-17. DOI:

B. Kamrad with B. Kaku. "A Framework for Managing Supply Chain Risks." Supply Chain Management Review, 15, 4 (2011): 24-31.

Ricardo Ernst, Bardia Kamrad And Keith Ord. "Delivery Performance In Vendor Selection Decisions." European Journal Of Operational Research, 176, 1 (January 1, 2007): 534-541. DOI:

Ricardo Ernst And Bardia Kamrad. "Estimating Demand By Using Sales Information: Inaccuracies Encountered." European Journal Of Operational Research, 174, 2 (October 1, 2006): 675-688. DOI:

Articles & Chapters in Books

B. Kamrad. "Capacity Expansion as a Contingent Claim: Flexibility and Real Options in Operations." The Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, 197–217. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2011.

B. Kamrad with V. Babich. "Option Pricing: Theory and Numerical Methods." Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2011.

B. Kamrad with R. Ernst. "Multi-product Manufacturing with Stochastic Input Prices and Output Yield Uncertainty." Real Options in Capital Investment: Models, Strategies, and Applications, Greenwood/Prager, 1995.

Conference and Workshop Proceedings

B. Kamrad. "Market Uncertainty and Process Risk in Operations." Real Options Conference, Real Options Proceedings, T2, Vol.10. Columbia Business School: , 2006.

B. Kamrad. "Market and Process Risks in Operations." Real Options Conference, Real Options Proceedings, T2, Volume 8. Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada: , 2004.

B. Kamrad, A. Siddique. "Profit Sharing and Adjustment Options in Supply Contracts." Real Options, Real Options Proceedings, T2, Volume 7. Georgetown University: , 2003.

B. Kamrad, K. Ord. "Risk in Production: Demand and Yield Uncertainty." Real Options, Real Options Conference Proceedings, T2, Volume 7. Georgetown University: , 2003.

B. Kamrad, A. Siddique. "Risk Sharing and Supplier Switching Contracts." Real Options, Real Options Proceedings, T4, Vol.5. Anderson School, UCLA: , 2001.

B. Kamrad, R.Ernst. "An Economic Model for Valuing Mining Ventures with Output Yield Uncertainty." Real Options, Real Options Conference Proceedings, T5, Volume 2. Kellogg School, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL: , 1998.

B. Kamrad and S. Lele. "Production, Operating Risk and Market Uncertainty." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management: MSOM Proceedings, Volume 2, pp. 201-206. School of Business Administration, University of Washington, Seattle: , 1998.

B. Kamrad, S. Lele. "Production, Operating Risk and Market Uncertainty." Real Options, Real Options Conference Proceedings, T1, Vol.1. Columbia University School of Business: , 1997.

R. Ernst and B. Kamrad. "A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Supply Chain Structures." MSOM Proceedings, Volume 1, pp. 1-7. Tuck School of Business Administration,: , 1996.